Flood & Storm Water Management

At TLC, our comprehensive flood and stormwater management services are designed to safeguard your property while promoting environmental sustainability.

Contact us today to explore how we can tailor our flood and stormwater management services to safeguard your property and create a sustainable, resilient outdoor space for years to come.

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In the face of increasing climate uncertainties, effective water management is crucial. Our team specializes in implementing cutting-edge solutions, including the installation of soakaways, both new and refurbished.

Soakaway Garden Design


Soakaways are underground structures designed to manage excess water by allowing it to gradually percolate into the soil, reducing the risk of flooding and erosion.

Whether it's a new construction project or upgrading existing infrastructure, our experts tailor soakaway solutions to meet the unique needs of your property.

Rain Garden Designs

Rain Gardens

Rain gardens are another powerful tool in our stormwater management arsenal. These aesthetically pleasing gardens not only enhance the visual appeal of your landscape but also serve as natural filtration systems. 

Designed to capture and absorb rainwater, rain gardens prevent runoff, filter pollutants, and recharge groundwater.

Bioswale Design Norfolk


Bioswales, with their gently sloping channels and vegetation, are a key component of our stormwater management strategy. These engineered features effectively manage and treat stormwater by slowing its flow, promoting infiltration, and removing pollutants.

By integrating bioswales into your landscape design, we enhance water quality, reduce flooding risks, and contribute to the overall ecological health of the area.